Putting our faith into action!
First Baptist Church of Pitman believes that faith without actions is just hot air. We put our faith into action by actively serving our local community and beyond. Typically we service our community by coordinating Community Clean Ups, our annual Back to School Bash, Movie Nights, outreach during Pop Up Parks, Parades, and much more to come! Below are some ministries and organizations we support both financially and in prayer.
Mission ICP
FBCOP Care Bags
A.G.A.P.E. Mission Projects, Inc.
Pitman Food Pantry
The Pitman Pantry is a joint effort of five local churches: First Presbyterian Church, The United Methodist Church, St. James Lutheran Church, Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and First Baptist Church, all of Pitman. Donations come from our surrounding community, and the Pantry is also supported by organizations such as the Food Bank of New Jersey. The Pantry is located at the rear of our building. Shelf-stable donations that are not expired can be dropped off anytime to the cabinet that is placed on the sidewalk near the Pantry entrance. Should you need help, volunteers are on hand to assist three days a week: Tuesday from 6:00 – 7:00 PM, Wednesday from 4:00 – 5:00 PM, and Thursday from 12:00 – 1:00 PM. Questions can be answered by calling 856-589-8588 during Pantry hours.